International Recognition from SPIE
Research conducted by Lidaris team: Gintarė Batavičiūtė, Egidijus Pupka, Mindaugas Ščiuka and Andrius Melninkaitis at Vilnius University together with partners from Institut Fresnel (France) has gained international recognition.

Two different contributions related to improvement of LIDT measurement accuracy as well as understanding of fundamental mechanisms of laser damage were awarded at the main international event of laser damage community at NIST in USA (Boulder Colorado).

SPIE Laser Damage 2013
Best oral paper:
Application of time-resolved digital holographic microscopy to study femtosecond damage process in thin films
Nerijus Šiaulys, Andrius Melninkaitis, Vilnius Univ. (Lithuania);
Laurent Gallais-During, Institut Fresnel (France).

SPIE Laser Damage 2012
Best poster paper:
Bayesian approach of laser-induced damage threshold analysis and determination of error bars
Gintarė Batavičiūtė, Povilas Grigas, Linas Smalakys and Andrius Melninkaitis Vilnius Univ. (Lithuania).
These achievements fuel inspiration for our team to innovate field of laser damage threshold metrology.